Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Here's my fanfic Monkey Madness

Monkey Madness
It is the year 2050 ad. Just another hot humid day at Universal Studios. School summer break has started and the crowds of young people have started to flow through the gates. There is almost an hours wait in a queue for the most popular rides.
Meanwhile on a planet called Kakkoi the final plans for the invasion of planet Earth have been set in motion.
Kakkoi is a planet that is cooler than earth and has almost depleted its supply of air, the vital element needed for the survival of the Uchujin race.
Uchujin have been aware of Earths abundance of air for sometime now.
The skies above Universal Studios are bright blue but in a matter of seconds a shade of darkness forms and a sound very much like the roaring of a jumbo jets engines in reverse thrust can be heard .This is the sound of the time travel tunnel used by the uchujin .
This tunnel cools the atmosphere by five per cent instantly and over a short period of time could cause an ice age, throwing planet Earth into a darkness unlike anything seen for centuries.
Suddenly the time travel tunnel makes contact with the ground causing a huge form of static electricity which instantly brings everything electrical to an abrupt stop. There is complete silence , then from out of the tunnel appears a huge red figure .The stunned crowd do not no what to make of this, some cheer and some just stand there frozen .
Curiosity instantly turns to fear as one by one these twelve foot figures in the form of Curious George begin to surround the crowds. In as instant these ruthless monkeys spray the crowds with a spider web like substance that instantly renders them helpless and unable to breath.
This substance is called vulgar and is ten thousand times stronger than a spiders web .Vulgar is used by these aliens to paralyze their victims however it also acts a preservative and therefore once removed, the victim will be the in same state as when they were first sprayed.
Universal Studios is not the only place under attack from aliens ,this phenomenon is happening all over the world and the leaders of the world are in a panic. With the leaders of the world unable to provide any form of leadership the responsibility to save the planet is taken up by two of the worlds most intelligent people, L and Light .
L and Light will have to work as a team to destroy these mad monkey aliens however there is not a lot of trust between these two individuals. L still suspects Light is Kira and is determined to prove this at all costs.
An emergency meeting convenes at a top secret location and the two strongest minds in the world begin to form a plan to save the planet .L comes clean and admits he has been expecting this attack for some time now but felt he was unable to say anything due to the fear of being labeled as crazy. Light is stunned by this announcement and asks L how he plans to destroy the aliens.
L takes Light to a secret room and then proceeds to show him a secret government initiative .L reveals to Light that with funding from the government he has been able to develop a time machine. Once again L comes clean and admits he has been using the time machine for his own personal use . Light is now very concerned and wonders if L has found a way to go back in time and change the sequence of some events in order to reveal Light as Kira. If L has managed to accomplish this, Light will have to act fast and find a way to access the time machine.
Light asks L to explain the mechanics of the time machine and then demands they take immediate action and go back in time in order to find away to stop the aliens from taking over the planet. L is very suspicious of Lights plan and tries to stall him by telling him he already has a plan to stop the alien attack in its tracks. L suggests that because the aliens have all taken the form of Curious George it is very likely that they are obsessed with the Curious George character and therefore they have most likely all adopted the same name. L is adamant that if they can get hold of a death note book they will be able to write the name Curious George down and destroy all the crazy monkey aliens in one go .Light is not convinced and wants to know how L plans to get hold of a death note book.
Suddenly reports start coming in from all around the globe that the aliens have all died from massive heart attacks. Light looks at L and L looks back at Light. Light is now very concerned, the planet may have been saved but he wonders who saved the planet and is it just coincidence that L came up with an idea to use a death note to save the planet .He ponders the idea that L may have access to a death note due to the fact that the aliens died from heart attacks. If no reason for death is written in a death note the cause of death will default back to heart attack.
Light must now face the prospect that L has the power to out him as Kira at any moment.
The door opens and an in an instant L and Light are covered in vulgar, very quickly they both slip into a deep coma .High ranking government officials have decided they want to keep both L and Light on ice so that they can use them in the future. These officials also know that if there are no more mass deaths of criminals they will have caught Kira. Only time well tell.


  1. When i started reading Monkey madness, i thought that this is not DEATH NOTE at all, this is some kinda SCI-FICTION, where's death note!

    But when L and Light come into the storyline, yeah this is it! this is what i wanted!

    I was wondering how you gonna end this story, are L and Light gonna kill each other at the end or they unite together and start rule the world...

    you got better ending than my imagination! from now on, no ones gonna die by the heart attack!

  2. oh and one minor advise here, if you put some spaces between paragraphs, it would be much easier to read.

  3. I liked the way that you described about characters and settings. I was really interested that your fan-fiction setting is 2050. When you explained your characters, in deed it was in depth so I was able to draw my imagination easily. Also, when you use language technique ‘similes’ to describe your characters, it also helps me to understand their own characteristic. Further more, I also enjoyed your setting, which was Universal studio. I have seen lots of space background movie but it wasn’t interesting than I expected. But, your fan-fiction was great enough to give my attention when I read. I think it was really great story line and certainly, it was great fan-fiction :)

  4. I have not watched or read the monkey madness,

    so it was a bit hard for me to follow what was

    going on. However, the describtion that you made

    on settings was beautifully well-described which

    made me draw the picture of it in my head.

    I enjoyed reading your fan-fiction. It was good

    enough to take me to the space where the story

    was taken.

  5. I am so happy to look at your fan fiction because I love this anime Death Note...saying this might be a bit rude but actually I love Light more than the whole story XDD
    Anyway, some words you have chose to use makes the story becomes interesting!
    Not opposing your idea, but personally I just cannot quite believe that there is such an unique planet named "cool"(if I did not get the wrong idea) @ "@
    And just a suggestion?
    Like the place you have put "uchujin", maybe you can try putting a little explanation to the readers since I think not every person knows Japanese even though they have watched a lot Japanese things before.
    However this is still a fantastic story and I would like to see how Light and L works as a team together!!
    Support them and you =]

  6. I have not read the Monkey Madness before.

    Your deliberate description of the character and

    background of the fan-fiction makes me easy to

    follow. Could you tell me what's the closure of

    your story?

    Where did you get the idea of 'Death Note' ?

    I don't have a good eye sight, would you please

    put a space between each paragraph next time.

    Your story is fascinating after all.
