Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fan-fiction links of 'The Eye'

‘The Eye’ was directed by David Moreau and Xavier Palud. The movie was adapted from Chinese movie of the same title, with some appalling scenarios.

I always feel sympathy for the blind people. Would you take the transplant operation if you knew that you are going to contact the spiritual world after?

I am keen on reading or watching the ghost stories and movies. I watched the Chinese version of ‘The Eye’ in 2002 and the English version last year. Personally, I consider the former is much horrible than the latter.

I prefer watching ghost movie at the cinema as it is dark and quiet. Besides, it has a large flat screen and better acoustics. It provides a good atmosphere to enjoy the thriller.

If any of your guys watched this movie before, what do you think about it? It seems that it was not very famous here.

Some parts of my fan-fiction followed the original stories and I made up for the rest. I wish that you enjoy reading it.

If you are interested in watching the movie, you can click the above link.

The movie was not thrilling to me at all. In fact, it sent an educational message to its watchers- never do anything stupid in a dull time, your family and friends would suffer the pain of your foolishness.

I have wanted to be a writer of thrilling story since I was secondary school student. I really wish that my fan-fiction would stimulate your interest to watch the original movie and make you stay awake all night! ( You would be too scared to sleep)

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